
Program 2023

Preliminary version

Sunday,  January 8,  2023   

16:15 Departure of the shuttle bus from Verona railway station (train station Porta Nuova)

17:00 Departure of the shuttle bus from Verona airport (Catullo airport)

19:40 Arrival and dinner


Monday January 9, 2023 (Chairs: Ernesto Savaglio, University of Pescara; Philippe Van Kerm, LISER and University of Luxembourg)

08:45 - 09:00   Welcome Address

09:00 - 10:30   Koen Decanq (University of Antwerp): “Measuring cumulative deprivation”     

10:45 - 11:45  Flaviana Palmisano (University of Rome, Sapienza) : “Evaluating distributional change” 


16:00 - 17:30  Frank Cowell (LSE): “Families, inheritance and inequaltiy" 

17:40 - 18:40  Teresa Munzi (LIS) and Petra Sauer (LISER): "Doing research with LIS data"

18:40 - 19:20  Presentations (20 mins each)

- Domenico Moramarco (Université Libre de Bruxelles – ECARES): Equal opportunities in school choice settings

- Gaelle Aymeric (CEE-M University of Montpellier): Parental environment and educational attainment: does a Matthew effect exists?

Tuesday January 10, 2023 (Chairs: Vito Peragine, University of Bari; Brice Magdalou, AMSE)

08:45 - 10:15  Alain Trannoy (AMSE):  “Inequality and optimal income taxation” 

10:30 - 11:30  Denisa Sologon (LISER)"Inequality and its drivers: what can microsimulation say?

11:30 - 12:10  Presentations (20 mins each)

- Shaun Da Costa (University of Antwerp): Distributionally sensitive measurement of population health with an application to disease prioritization in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Enza Simeone (University of Bari): Inequality in health status during the COVID-19 in the UK


16:00 - 17:30  Christina Gathmann (LISER): "Citizenship and integration”

17:50 - 19:10  Presentations (20 mins each)

- Narcisse Cha’ngom (LISER): Exposition to foreign aid projects, internal and international migration: evidence from Sénégal

- Paolo Brunori (LSE & Università di Firenze): Unfair educational inequality in 97 Countries: a theoretically driven machine learning approach

- Fabian Reutzel (PSE & LSE): Inequality of opportunity in South Asia: evidence from suboptimal data

Wednesday January 11,  2023 (Chair: Eugenio Peluso, University of Verona and LISER; Lucia Schiavon, University of Verona)

08:45 - 10:15  Massimo Morelli (Bocconi University): “Social structure, state capacity and economic activity”

10:30 - 11:30 Davide Ticchi (Marche Polythecnic University):  “Inequality, politics and beliefs: the role of religion, science and  innovation”

11:30 - 12:10  Presentations (20 mins each)

- Carla Krolage (Ifo Institute): The future of work and consumption in cities after the pandemic: evidence from Germany

- Gianluca Carpigo  (University of Rome, Sapienza) Dynamic relations between wealth inequality and public debt


16:00 - 17:30  Eliana La Ferrara  (Harvard Kennedy School and LEAP): “Harmful social norms and gender inequality: theory and evidence”     

17:50 - 19:10  Presentations (20 mins each)

- Mateo Seré (University of Antwerp): Don't stop me now: gender attitudes in academic seminars through machine learning

- Carlotta Montorsi (LISER): Predicting depression in old age: combining life course data with machine learning

- Jules Linden (LISER): Decomposing the carbon tax incidence and its impacto on disposable income inequality

- Giulia Montresor (University of Verona): Easy, informative and cheap? On teh effectiveness of interactive voice response call


Thursday January 12, 2023 (Chairs: Paolo Brunori, University of Florence and LSE; Giulia Montresor, University of Verona)

08:45 - 10:15 Frédéric Docquier (LISER):  "Migration from poorer to wealthier countries and human capital accumulation“  

10:30 - 11:30 Martin Fernandez-Sanchez (LISER): “Long-run consequences of selective migration through the lens of economic history

11:30 - 12:10  Presentations (20 mins each)

- Hillary Vipond (LSE): Locating technological unemployment in Victorian Britain: a tasks based approach

- Catia Nicodemo (Verona University and Oxford University): Immigration and prescription behaviour

16:00 - 17:30 Michel Beine (University of Luxembourg): “Populism, quality of institutions, and international movements of workers

17:50 - 19:10  Presentations (20 mins each with break)

- Etienne Bacher (LISER): Populism and globalization

- Lucas Vieira Magalhães (LISER): Location and existence of retail centres in cities: a theoretical spatial agent-based experiment

- Felix Stips (LISER): Behavioral wage effects of immigration

- Annaelena Valentini (University of Siena): Mind the bottlenecks: the social costo of narrow definitions of merit

20:30   Social Dinner


Friday,  January 13,  2023

07:45   Departure of the shuttle bus from Alba di Canazei