
Program 2025

Preliminary version

Monday,  January 6,  2025  

16:00 Departure of the shuttle bus from Verona railway station (train station Porta Nuova)

16:30 Departure of the shuttle bus from Verona airport (Catullo airport)

19:30 Arrival and dinner


Tuesday, January 7, 2025 (Chairs: Eugenio Peluso (LISER), Flaviana Palmisano (La Sapienza))

            Genes-environment interactions and human capital

08:45 - 09:00   Welcome Address

09:00 - 10:30   Aysu Okbay (VU Amsterdam) : "Statistical genetics 101"    Reference paper  link ; Reading list Okbay

10:45 - 12:00  Paul Hufe (University of Bristol): "Causal identification in social science genetics"  Reading list Hufe 

12:00 - 12:15  Posters presentations 1 (4 short preseantations)
             - Giulio Albano (University of Bari) "Does High-Speed Rail Increase White-Collar Income at the City Level? A Case Study of    Reggio Emilia, Italy"    
             - Luigi  Boggian (University of Verona) "Prescribing Equality: Minding the Gap in Anxiolytics and Antidepressants Prescriptions between Immigrants and Natives in Spain"
             - Mathieu Bourret (University of Bordeaux) "Reunited? Post-conflict attitudes towards ex-combatants in Colombia"
             - Ninke Feenstra (Wageningen University) "The Development of Healthy Diet Affordability in the EU 27"

14:15 - 15:45  Laboratory Session: Rosa Cheesman (University of Oslo),  Gaia Ghirardi (EUI, Florence) "Analysis of genetic data"

16:00 - 17:15 Rosa Cheesman (University of Oslo): "The role of gene-environment interplay in educational inequalitites"   Reading list Cheeseman

17:30 - 18:20  Giorgia Menta (LISER): "Genes and peers: a review of empirical applications"  Reading list Menta

18:25 - 19:15 Markus Jantti (SOFI - Stockholm University): "On the welfare economics of intergenerational income mobility"

19:15 - 19:30  Posters presentations 2 (4 short presentations):
             - Tom Gargani (Aix-Marseille Université) "Reducing Inequality for an Ordinal Variable"
             - Ana Margarida Araújo (University of Liège) "Quality of Life in Old Age in Europe: A Multidimensional Assessment"
             - Giorgia Zotti (University of Bari) "Official grades VS Invalsi scores: same performers, different results?"
             - Valentina Contreras (LSE) "Cracking the code: Using affirmative action to narrow the gender gap in STEM"

21:30 Social Evening: Poster session,  8 posters.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025 (Chairs: Arnaud Lefranc (CY Cergy Paris University), Brice Magdalou (Montpellier))

             Early environment, expectations, aspirations and mobility  

08:30 - 10:00   Garance Genicot (Georgetown University): "Aspirations, inequality and social conflict"   Reading list Genicot

10:20 - 11:40   Lucinda Platt (LSE): "Children’s educational and occupational aspirations: What do they mean for ethnic, gender and disability inequalities?"   Reading list Platt

11:50 - 12:20  Presentations (15 mins each, 2 parallel sessions)

            Room B (main teaching room) (Chair: Arnaud Lefranc)
Domenico Moramarco (University of Bari) "Measuring intersectionality"
             - Santiago Burone (University of Antwerp) "Preferences Refinements for Well-beingComparisons Under Incomplete Preferences"

            Room A (second teaching room at first floor) (Chair: Flaviana Palmisano)
             - Hillary  Vipond (Complexity Science Hub Vienna) "Social Mobility and Technological Shocks in 19th Century Britain"
             - Noah Sutter (LSE) "A Testament to Revolution? Two Approaches to Estimating Intergenerational Persistence of Elite Status in France, 1791-1870"

16:00 - 17:15  Francisco Ferreira (LSE): "Inherited inequality, meritocracy, and the purpose of economic growth"  Reading list Ferreira

17:30 - 18:30  Frank Cowell (LSE): "Fundamentals of mobility measurement"   Reading list Cowell

18:30 - 19:15  Daniele Checchi (University of Milan): "Heritability in the labour market: evidence from Italian twins"   Main paper Checchi

19:15 - 19:35  Benoit Decerf (The World Bank): "Integrating mortality into poverty measurement through the Poverty Adjusted Life Expectancy index"

Thursday January 9,  2025 (Chairs: Paolo Brunori (LSE and University of Florence), Vito Peragine (University of Bari))

            Poverty and inequality across the globe

08:30 - 09:50   Stephen Jenkins (LSE): "Assessing whether income inequality trends are significant"   Reading list Jenkins

10:15 - 11:45   Dean Jolliffe (The World Bank): "Ending Poverty & Boosting Prosperity on a Livable Planet An overview of the updated mission of the World Bank"   Reading list Jolliffe  

11:50 - 12:20   4 Presentations (15 mins each, 2 parallel sessions)

            Room B (main teaching room) (Chair: Eugenio Peluso)
Arttu Kauhanen (University of Helsinki) "The Impact of Childhood Neighborhoods on Intergenerational Mobility in Finland"
             - Louis Sirugue (LSE) "Intergenerational mobility among children of immigrants and natives: The role of residential segregation"

            Room A (second teaching room at first floor) (Chair: Christina Gathmann)
             - Amelie Grosenick (LMU & CESifo) "The Impact of Parental Leave Benefits on Pre-Birth Earnings"
             - Maria Cristina D'Aguanno (University of Luxembourg) "In-work poverty trajectories: a European Perspective"

15:00 - 16:00 Laboratory Session: Giorgia Cecchinato (LSE and The World Bank) "How to access and use the World Bank's poverty and inequality data (in R/Stata)" Part 1

16:00 - 16:55 Teresa Munzi (LIS) and Philippe Van Kerm (University of Luxembourg) "TBA"

17:00 - 17:55 Maurizio Bussolo (The World Bank): "Gender inequality: insights from economics and social norms in South Asia"  Reading list Bussolo  

18:00 - 18:55 Alain Trannoy (AMSE), "Decomposition of poverty measures"

19:00 - 19:30 Posters presentations (8 short presentations):
             - Espen Beer Prydz (University of Oslo) "Global Inequality when Relative Income Matters for Welfare"
             - Sander de Vries (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) "Measuring Social Mobility with Detailed Parental Information"
             - Jakob Dirksen (LSE) "Respecting People's Preferences in Multidimensional Well-Being Measurement"
             - Fabio Farella (University of Bari) "Equality of Opportunity and Efficiency in Tertiary Education"
             - Nico Larrea Avila (University of Namur) "Income Mobility and Poverty Transitions in Argentina"
             - Matteo Sabatini (Sapienza University of Rome) "Equality of Opportunity and Responsibility: An individual measure for Reward to effort"
             - Matthew Shaikh (Vienna University of Economics and Business) "Two Decades of Inequality of Opportunity in Colombia: Insights from 2003-2023"
             - Yohei Yoshizawa (King's College London) "Inequality of Opportunity Through Effort in Education: A Machine-Learning Estimation"

21:30 Social Evening: Poster session,  8 posters.

Friday January 10, 2025 (Chairs: Claudio Zoli (Univerity of Verona), Denisa Sologon (LISER))

            Political economy and policymaking

08:30 - 10:00   Laura Mayoral (Institute of Economic Analysis and BSE): "Social divisions and conflict"   Reading list Mayoral, Handbook chapter

10:20 - 11:20  Paolo Li Donni (University of Palermo): "(Mis)perceptions of inequality"

11:30 - 12:15  6 Presentations (15 mins each, 2 parallel sessions)

            Room B (main teaching room) (Chair: Francesco Andreoli)
Vito De Sandi (University of Bari) "Bridging Social Norms: A Framework for Assessing Unjust Inequality"
             - Michela Piccari (Sapienza University of Rome) "From Recession to Responsibility: The Lasting Influence of Economic Shocks on Environmental Attitudes"
             - Wesley Wang (Purdue University) "Biological Ageing Through Childhood Adversity: Impacts on Health and Life History Strategies"
            Room A (second teaching room at first floor) (Chair: Denisa Sologon)
             - Pietro Valetto (University of Antwerp) "Homes, Pensions, and Financial Assets: Which Asset Types are Responsible for Recent Wealth Inequality Trends?"
             - Jaehee Choi (Duke Kunshan University) "Inequality after Large Devaluations and Financialization"
             - Franziska Disslbacher (Vienna University of Economics and Business) "Leaving Legacies and Liabilities: The Distribution of Wealth at Death"

15:00 - 16:00  Laboratory Session: Giorgia Cecchinato (LSE and The World Bank) "How to access and use the World Bank's poverty and inequality data (in R/Stata)" Part 2

16:00 - 17:15  Christina Gathman (LISER and University of Luxembourg) "TBA"

17:30 - 18:30  
Cathal O'Donoghue (NUI Galway): "TBA" 

18:35 - 19:05  4 Presentations (15 mins each, 2 parallel sessions)

            Room B (main teaching room) (Chair: Ernesto Savaglio)
             - Lukas Leitner (University of Antwerp) "The Equivalence Approach: An Empirical Application with Belgian Survey Data"
             - Arthur Apostel (Ghent University) "Belgian wealth inequality, 1935-2022. Evidence from inheritance and gift taxation"
            Room A (second teaching room at first floor) (Chair: Denisa Sologon)
             - Iryna Kyzyma (National observatory of children, youth and school quality, Luxembourg) "Transitions from primary to secondary schools: inequalities and their evolution over time"
             - Giulia Montresor (University of Verona) "Age Matters: School Entry Cutoffs and Adolescent Risk-Taking"

20:30   Social Dinner  - Hotel Alba, Alba di Canazei.

Saturday,  January 11,  2025

07:45   Departure of the shuttle bus from Alba di Canazei