
Program 2016

Preliminary program (subject to modifications)


Sunday,  January 10,  2016  

5:30 PM Departure of the shuttle bus from Verona railway station (train station Porta Nuova)

6:00 PM Departure of the shuttle bus from Verona airport (Catullo airport)

8:40 PM Arrival and dinner


Monday January 11, 2016 

8:45 - 9:00 Welcome Address

9:00 - 10:30 John Roemer (Yale University):  Kantian optimization Roemer reading part 1  Roemer reading part 2 Roemer reading part 3 Roemer slides

10:45 - 12:00 Alain Trannoy (Aix-Marseille University):   Inequality in Europe Trannoy reference paper Trannoy slides

16:00 - 17:00 Rolf Aaberge (Statistics Norway): Costs and benefits of in-work tax credit policies Aaberge Reading List

17:15 - 18:15 Erwin Ooeghe (KU-Leuven): Inequality, taxation and wage policies Reference Paper Ooghe

18:30 - 19:45 Presentations
- Christos Koulovatianos: Allocation of risks across the rich and the poor
- Timm Boenke: On the evolution of inequality in the EU since the Great Recession

 21:30: Social Evening/Poster Session (pub hotel Miramonti)

- Paul Hufe: Beyond equal rights: equality of opportunity in political participation
- Bora Kim: Inequity in unmet medical need among the European elderly
- Samuel Kofi Tetteh-Baah: Inequality, growth and income convergence among countries.
- Rahul Lahoti: Who got what, then and now? A fifty year overview from the global consumption and income project
- Gintare Mazeikaite: Decomposition of health inequality in the EU: Germany, UK and Latvia
- Hosnieh Mahoozi: Gender and spatial disparity of multidimensional poverty in Iran
- Philipp Poppitz: Income inequality and self-perceptions
- Nathalie Scholl: Re-estimating the relationship between inequality and growth
- Xuezhu Shi: Locked out? China's health insurance scheme and labour migration


Tuesday January 12, 2016

8:30 - 9:45 John Östh (Uppsala University): Geography and inequality

10.00 – 12:00 Presentations
- Daniel Mahler: Subjective Well-Being and preference satisfaction: a reconciliatory approach using data on work hours from Germany and the UK
- Frikk Nesje: Destructive intergenerational altruism
- Charlotte Bartels: Redistribution and insurance in welfare states around the world
 - Panos Mavrokonstantis: Modern family: female breadwinners and the intergenerational transmission of gender norms

 14:30 – 15:45 Applied Session Antoine Paccoud (LISER): Visualizing data spatially: an introduction to basic mapping with Arc GIS

16:00 – 17:30 Daniel Waldenstrom (Uppsala University): Wealth mobility and inequality: the role of inheritance Reference Paper Waldenstrom (preliminary version),  reference paper Waldenstrom 2 Waldenström slides

17:45 – 19:45 Presentations

- Stefanie Heidrich: Intergenerational mobility in Sweden: a regional perspective
- Camilla Härtull: Endogamy and income distribution
- Marten von Werder: Bequests and gifts: how do they shape the wealth distribution
- Claudia Andreella: The long shadows of past insults: intergenerational transmission of health over 130 years.


Wednesday January 13, 2016

8:30 - 10:00 Xavi Ramos (Autonoma University Barcelona): Inequality of opportunity: theory and evidence Reference paper Ramos,  Reading List Ramos Ramos slides

10:15 -11:15 Andreas Peichl (ZEW University of Mannheim): Improving estimates for inequality of opportunity Peichl Reference Paper 1, Peichl Reference Paper 2, Peichl Reference Paper 3, Peichl Reference Paper 4 Peichl IOp slides Peichl slides

11:20 -12:15 Presentations
- Martin Ungerer: The role of early childhood characteristics for equality of opportunity
- Francesco Andreoli: Equalization of opportunity: definitions, implementable conditions and applications to early childhood policy evaluations

14:30 – 15:45 Applied Session . Antoine Paccoud: (LISER) Mapping your research: Arc GIS troubleshoot session

16:00 – 17:30 Frank Cowell (LSE):   Mobility and opportunity Presentation Cowell

17:45 – 18:45 Vito Peragine (University of Bari):  Inequality of opportunity, income inequality and economic mobility: some international comparisons Peragine Reference Paper 1, Peragine Reference Paper 2, Peragine Reference Paper 3 Peragine slides

18:55 – 19:45 Presentations
-Gabriela Zapata Román: Inequality of opportunity in Chile.
-Agurtzane Lekuona: Analyzing inequality of opportunity in educational achievements

Thursday January 14, 2016

8:30 – 10:00: Bertil Tungodden (Norwegian School of Economics): Fairness and meritocracy Reading List Tungodden Tungodden slides

10.15 -11:30 Kalle Moene (ESOP, University of Oslo): Inequality and equal mating

11:40 – 12.30: Presentations
- Ingar Haaland: Are people more willing to take a given amount if they can take a little from many than if they can take much from a few?
- Alina Verashchagina:The impact of mass media on attitudes to inequality

16:00 – 17.15: Martyna Kobus (Institute of Economics, Polish Academy of Sciences):  Inequality with ordinal data Reading List Kobus Kobus slides

17:30 - 19:15 Presentations
-Dirk Neumann: Well-Being poverty and labor income taxation: theory and application to Europe and the US
-Lieke Kools: Financial needs when health declines; estimates and implications for health expenditures and pension payout schemes
-Holger Luthen: Effectiveness of early retirement disincentives: individual welfare, distributional and fiscal implications
-Nizamul Islam Making the switch from joint to individual taxation in Luxembourg. An analysis of the female labour supply response

  20:15 Social Dinner


Friday,  January 15,  2016

7:45 AM Departure of the shuttle bus from Alba di Canazei