
Program 2020

Sunday,  January 12,  2020   

17:15 Departure of the shuttle bus from Verona railway station (train station Porta Nuova)

18:00 Departure of the shuttle bus from Verona airport (Catullo airport)

20:40 Arrival and dinner




Monday January 13, 2020 (Chair: Claudio Zoli, University of Verona)

08:45 - 09:00   Welcome Address

09:00 - 11:15   Stephen Jenkins (LSE): “Better Off? Distributional comparisons for ordinal data”     Reading list   -  Slides      

11:20 - 12:00  Daniele Checchi (University of Milan and LIS): "Unpacking inequality dimensions: The 2020 LIS Annual Report on Inequality"


15:30 - 16:30  Daniele Checchi (University of Milan and LIS): “Competences, wages and inequality”  Slides 

16:45 - 18:00  Laurent Simula (ENS Lyon): “Taxation and migration” 

18:00 - 19:00  Presentations:

Luis Eduardo Rojas Dueñas (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): “Optimal Redistribution with a Shadow Economy”

Paul Hufe (University of Munich): Genetic Endowments, Educational Outcomes and the Mediating Influence of School Investments”

Larissa Zierow (ifo Institute): “The Impact of All-Day Schools on Students' Skills Evidence from Extending School-Days in German Primary Schools”

19:00 - 19:25  Posters presentations


21:30   Social Evening - Poster Session I (11 posters):

- Juho Alasalmi (University of Konstanz): “Motivated Prospects of Upward Mobility”

- Thanh Bui (University of Manchester): “The role of secondary town on household's welfare and poverty reduction: Evidences from Vietnam”

- Begoña Cabeza (University of Antwerp): “Desert concerns and distributional preferences”

- Amedeo Fuenmayor (University of Valencia): “A Negative Income Tax for Spain: Labour Supply Effects”

- Leonie Koch (University of Munich): “The Impact of Parental Leave Benefits on Pre-Birth Earnings”

- Domenico Moramarco (Université Libre de Bruxelles ) “Equality of opportunity for welfare: combining outcome-selective and opportunity egalitarianism”

- Pedro Salas-Rojo (Complutense University Madrid): “Inequality of opportunity in Spain: new insights from new data”

- Petra Sauer (LISER): “Do migrants have access to decent work?”.

- Matteo Targa (DIW Berlin): “De-routinization of Jobs and Polarization of Earnings. Evidence from 35 Countries All Over the World”

- Emilia Toczydlowska (University of Luxembourg/LISER): “Drivers of Income Inequality in Luxembourg: Isolating the Roles of Policy, Demography, Market Returns and Labour Market Structure”

- Georg Treuter (Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University): “Describing and Decomposing Income Inequality Trends in Rich Countries” 




Tuesday January 14, 2020 (Chair: Ernesto Savaglio, University of Pescara)

08:45 - 10:45  Wojciech Kopczuk (Columbia University): "Closely-held business taxation and inequality trends"     Reading list Slides   Slides2 

10:50 - 11:40  Philippe Van Kerm (LISER and University of Luxembourg): "Wealth inequality measurement: Methods and evidence from HFCS"     Reading listSlides

11:40 - 12:00   Presentation:

- Zareh Asatryan (ZEW, Mannheim): “Austerity and Distributional Policy”


15:00 - 15:50   Laboratory session: Paolo Brunori (University of Florence) : "Machine Learning approaches for inequality decomposition I".     Reading list 

16:00 - 17:00   Elena Barcena (University of Malaga):  “Minimum income schemes and redistribution”       Reading list  -  Slides

17:15 - 18:30   Andreas Peichl (CESifo and LMU) : “Optimal taxation”     Reading list  Slides

18:30 - 19:20   Presentations:

- Holger Lüthen (FU Berlin): “Family Policies and Child-Related Earnings Gaps in Germany”

- Martin Ungerer (ZEW, Mannheim): “Jobs, Crime, and Votes - A Short-run Evaluation of the Refugee Crisis in Germany”

- Shuai Chen (LISER) “Unemployment, Immigration, and Populism: Evidence from Two Quasi-Natural Experiments in the United States”




Wednesday January 15, 2020 (Chair: Flaviana Palmisano, University of Rome "La Sapienza")

08:45 - 10:45  Clemens Fuest (CESifo and LMU):  "Tax incidence and inequality"     Reading list  

10:55 - 11:15 Presentation:

-   Carla Krolage (ifo Institute and LMU Munich): "The effects of real estate purchase subsidies on property prices"

11:15 - 11:45 ECINEQ General Assembly


15:00 - 15:50  Laboratory session: Paolo Brunori (University of Florence) : "Machine Learning approaches for inequality decomposition II".     Reading list

16:00 - 17:15  Alessandra Casarico (Bocconi University): “Gender inequality in politics”     Reading list     Slides

17:30 - 18:45  Hillel Rapoport (PSE): “Immigration and preferences for redistribution in Europe”     Reading list     Paper 1     Paper 2

18:50 - 19:15  Posters presentations


21:30   Social Evening/Poster Session II (11 posters):

- Mehmet Ayaz (University of Munich): “Wealth Taxation versus Capital Income Taxation”

- Rafael Carranza (LSE): “Inequality and Economic Growth: New Evidence using Upper Bounds Estimates of Inequality of Opportunity

- Hugo del Valle-Inclan Cruces (University of Vigo): “Estimating inequality of opportunity in many new periods: the capital income approach”

- Jana Emmenegger (Federal Statistical Office of Germany): “Analysing spatial income inequalities in Germany based on matched microcensus and taxpayer panel data”

- Katia Gallegos Torres (ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research): “The electoral winners of refugee migration in Germany: evidence from a natural experiment and subjective beliefs.

- Amaia Palencia Esteban (University of Vigo): “Occupational segregation of female and male immigrants in the European Union: accounting for cross-country differences”

- Philipp Pointner (Vienna University of Economics and Business): “Effects of the ECBs Unconventional Monetary Policy on Real and Financial Wealth”

- Severin Rapp (Vienna University of Economics and Business): “Minding the Gap: How Welfare States Mediate the Dynamics Between Income and Consumption Distribution”

- Manuel Schechtl (Humboldt University Berlin): “The taxation of families: Horizontal redistribution between family types across welfare regimes”

- Mateo Serè (University of Antwerp): “Does retirement improves individual well-being”

- Daniel Weishaar (University of Munich, LMU): “Saving at the Limit: Life Cycle Effects of Asset Means Testing in the German Welfare System”



Thursday January 16, 2020 (Chair: Eugenio Peluso, LISER and University of Verona)

08:45 - 10:45   Frederic Docquier (LISER) “Inequality, migration and the weather"     Reading list     Slides

11:00 – 12.00  Ravi Pendakur (University of Ottawa): "Attitudes to the mono-plural-ism divide: an investigation into the views of Swedish students"     Reading listSlides  Slides2


16:00 - 18:00    Hillel Rapoport (PSE):  "Migration and cultural change”     Reading list

18:10 – 18:30  Presentation:

- Ole Agersnap (Princeton University): “The welfare magnet hypothesis: evidence from an immigrant welfare scheme in Denmark”

18:30 - 18:50  Posters presentations


19:30   Poster Session III (9 posters):

- Kundu Anustup (UNU WIDER) “Identifying the Behavioral Aspects Behind Missing Microinsurance Market -Evidence from India”

- Tommaso Bechini (Sapienza Università di Roma) “The Multidimentional Well-Being Inequality Index”

- Pablo De la Vega Suarez (Complutense University of Madrid) “Choosing a job: who influences you the most, parents or friends?”

- Jakob Miethe (University of Munich, LMU) “The elusive banker: using hurricanes to uncover (non-) activity in offshore financial centers”

- Jannek Muehlhan (Institute for Employment Research, IAB) “Inequality of disposable income in Germany: a decomposition”

- Zaira Najam (University of Waikato) “The Sensitivity of Poverty Trends to Dimensionality and Distribution Sensitivity and the effect of Inequality: Evidence from Pakistan”

- Cornelius Schneider (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn) “The Bright Side of Tax Evasion”

- Sabina Szymczak (Gdansk University of Technology): “Position in global value chains: the impact on wages in central and eastern European countries”

- David Garces Urzainqui (VU Amsterdam) “The dynamics of spatial and local inequalities in India”

20:30   Social Dinner



Friday,  January 17,  2020

07:45   Departure of the shuttle bus from Alba di Canazei