
Program 2024

Sunday,  January 7,  2024   

16:25 Departure of the shuttle bus from Verona railway station (train station Porta Nuova)

16:50 Departure of the shuttle bus from Verona airport (Catullo airport)

19:45 Arrival and dinner


Monday January 8, 2024 (Chairs: Eugenio Peluso LISER; Michele Bernasconi, University of Venice, Cà Foscari)

08:45 - 09:00   Welcome Address

09:00 - 10:30   Fabrizio Perri (Minneapolis FED) : "How do households respond to income shocks"    Reference paper  link  

10:45 - 11:30   Daniele Checchi (University of Milan): "Inequality in Italy"

11:30 - 12:15  3 Presentations (15 mins each) 

-   Reutzel Fabian (Paris School of Economics): Income opportunities across the lifecycle

-   Barbieri Teresa (University of Bari): The effect of education on earnings: Evidence from Italy

-   Prete Vincenzo (University of Palermo): The long-term returns to universal preschool access: Evidence from Scuola Materna in Italy

16:00 - 17:30  Lucinda Platt (LSE): "Ethnic and immigrant inequalities"  Reading list Platt

17:45 - 18:30  Vito Peragine (University of Bari): "Wider equality of opportunity"

18:30 - 19:00  Bea Cantillon (University of Antwerp): "What can we learn from the poverty reducing capacity of welfare states in the past?"

19:00 - 19:30  2 Presentations (15 mins each)

- Palencia Esteban Amaia (London School of Economics):  Immigration, childcare and gender differences in the Spanish labor market

- Colcerasa Francesco (University of Rome, La Sapienza):  Composition matters: Re-assessing inequality of opportunity comparisons across the EU

Tuesday January 9, 2024 (Chairs: Claudio Zoli, University of Verona;  Flaviana Palmisano, University of Rome La Sapienza)

08:45 - 10:15 Nico Pestel (ROA, Maastricht University):  "Distributional effects of environmental pollution and climate change"    Reading list Pestel;  Reference paper 1 Pestel,  Reference paper 2 Pestel, 


10:40 - 12:00  4 Presentations (15 mins each + break)

Room B (main teaching room) (Chair Arnaud Lefranc)

10:40 – 11:15
-    Rehm Yannic (Paris School of Economics): The carbon footprint of capital - evidence from France, Germany and the US based on distributional environmental accounts
-    Gust Sarah (ifo Institute): (Not) Going to school in times of climate change: Natural disasters and student achievement

11:30 -12:00
-   Zotti Giorgia (University of Bari): Efficiency and equity in Italian secondary school
-   Schiavon Lucia (University of Verona): Social capital and vaccination compliance: Evidence from Italy

- Room A (second treaching room at first floor) (Chair Claudio Zoli)

10:40 – 11:15
- Huenewaldt Victoria (University of Hamburg): What determines the income distribution? Individual (Mis-)perceptions of inequality of opportunity across Europe 

-  Torres Pedro  (London School of Economics):  From rags to riches? The impact of education Reform on intergenerational social mobility in Mexico 

11:30 -12:00
Attili Federico (University of Bologna): Uncovering complexities in horizontal inequality: A novel decomposition of the Gini index
-    Moges Ashagrie Demile (University of Verona): Liquidity shock and bank lending: Evidence from a natural experiment in Ethiopia

16:00 - 17:20  Peter Lanjouw (VU Amsterdam):  “Imputation-based poverty comparisons:  The great indian poverty debate 2.0”  Reference paper  link

17:20 - 17:30  Teresa Munzi (LIS Luxembourg): "Doing research with LIS"

17:45 - 19:15  Maurizio Bussolo (World Bank):  "Gender inequality in developing countries: trends and its impact on economic performance"   

19:15 - 19:30  1 Presentation (15 mins) 

-  Gomez-Ruiz Marcela (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona): Do women fare worse when men are around? Quasi-experimental evidence

Wednesday January 10,  2024 (Lucia Schiavon, University of Verona; Ernesto Savaglio, University of Pescara)

08:45 - 10:15  Alessandra Fogli (Minneapolis FED)"Inequality and segregation" 

10:30 - 11:30  Guillaume Chapelle (THEMA, CY Cergy Paris University)"Housing, neighborhoods and inequality"   Reference paper  link

11:30 - 12:00  2 Presentations (15 mins each)

- Montorsi Carlotta (LISER): Small pictures, big biases: The adverse effect of an Airbnb anti-discrimination policy 

-  Mariani Giovanni Paolo (ECARES - Université libre de Bruxelles): Do local public goods lower inequality? evidence from Belgium


16:00 - 17:30  Alain Trannoy (AMSE):  "Housing inequality" Reading list Trannoy;  Reference paper Trannoy  

17:45 - 19:15  5 Presentations (15 mins each + break)

Room B (main teaching room) (Chair Philippe Van Kerm)
17:45 – 18:30
-    Uraz Juliet-Nil (London School of Economics): The impacts of reduced access to civil legal assistance in England and Wales
-    Deneus Thibault (KU Leuven): The production of meaningful work
-    Samuel Deeptha Sharon (London School of Economics): Does state public spending impact employment outcomes? Evidence from Indian public investment into technical tertiary education sector.
18:45 – 19:15
-    Farella Fabio (University of Bari): Inequality of opportunity in Nigeria: a cohort perspective
-    Subioli Francesca (Roma Tre University): The network of injustice: a novel approach to inequality of opportunity

Room A (second treaching room at first floor) (Chair Ernesto Savaglioi)
17:45 – 18:30
-    Dirksen Jakob (London School of Economics): People's preferences and welfare measurement
-    Moramarco Domenico (University of Bari): Well-being with reference consumption
-    Brun Martin (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona): The complexity of being fair
18:45 – 19:15
-    Rivera Gonzales David (Bordeaux School of Economics): Ordinary tax reforms and unintended informality. Estimating formal employment elasticities using tax-benefit variation in Latin America
-    Todorovic Bojovic Jelena (Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich): Inverse fair taxation: What do we compensate for in Europe?

Thursday January 11, 2024 (Chairs: Arnaud Lefranc, CY University of Cergy, Paris; Paolo Brunori, LSE and University of Florence)

08:45 - 10:15 Christina Gathmann (LISER and University of Luxembourg): “AI and the labor market: What do we know?”  Reading list Gathmann 

10:30 - 11:30  Paolo Brunori (LSE and University of Florence):  "An overview of statistical methods to estimate inequality of opportunity"    Reading list Brunori 

11:30 - 12:15  3 Presentations (15 mins each)

-    De Sandi Vito (University of Bari): Estimating inequality of opportunity in Ghana across cohorts: A machine learning approach

-  Morgalla Ulrike (Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition & Munich Graduate School of Economics): Innovation in action? Analysing innovative responses to technological disasters

-    Vipond Hillary (London School of Economics): Grandfathered out: Technological unemployment in Victorian Britain


16:00 - 17:30  Vanesa Jorda (University of Cantabria): "Inequality and Polarization: Measurement and Empirical Evidence"   Reading list Jorda

17:45 - 18:45  Philippe Van Kerm (LISER and University of Luxembourg): "Distributional analysis with RIF regressions"

18:45 - 19:15  2 Presentations (15 mins each)

-  Valentini Annaelena (University of Siena): Born to struggle: inequality of opportunity in income, health and education

-  Tejeria-Martinez Mercedes (University of Cantabria): Inequality of opportunity in health: evidence from developing countries

20:15 Social Dinner

Friday,  January 12,  2024

07:45   Departure of the shuttle bus from Alba di Canazei