
Program 2015

Sunday,  January 11,  2015  

5:30 PM Departure of the shuttle bus from Verona (train station)

6:00 PM Departure of the shuttle bus from Verona airport

8:40 PM Arrival and dinner


Monday January 12, 2015 

8:45 - 9:00 Welcome Address

9:00 - 10:30 Andrea Brandolini (Bank of Italy): Multidimensional inequality and poverty. Aaberge-Brandolini reference paper  Aaberge-Brandolini slides

10:45 - 11:45  Rolf Aaberge (Statistics Norway): On the measurement of polarization. Aaberge reference paperAaberge slides

16:15 – 17:45 Clemens Puppe (KIT, University of Karlsruhe): Diversity theory. Puppe reading list  Puppe reference paper

18:00 – 19:30 Paolo Pin (University of Siena): Social networks and homophily. Pin reading list  Pin reference paper  Pin slides

21:30: Social Evening/Poster Session (pub hotel Miramonti)


- Francesco Andreoli. "Measuring exposure in networks"
- Nastassia Leszczynska (with Jean-Benoit Falisse). "Self-identity, bribery and unfairness: Evidence from a lab-in-the-field experiment in Burundi"
- Denisa Sologon (with Philippe Van Kerm). "Earnings dynamics, foreign workers and the stability of inequality trends in Luxembourg 1988-2009"
- Suska Suska. "Group Weighting for Multidimensional Inequality Index"
- Toon Vanheukelom (with A. Decoster, S. Perelman, D. Vandelannoote, G. Verbist). "Efficiency vs equity? 20 years of tax-benefit reforms in Belgium"
- João Varandas. "Single or Multiple Rationales to Choice Behaviour: Does it Make a Difference?"
- John Voorheis. "Income Inequality, Environmental Justice and the Great Gatsby Puzzle: Evidence From Satellite NO2 Concentrations"
- Rajius Idzalika (with Maria C. Lo Bue). "Inequality of opportunity in education: Evidence from Indonesia, 1997-2007"


Tuesday January 13, 2015

8:30 -10:00 Jukka Pirttilä (University of Tampere, UNU-WIDER): Optimal taxation from a behavioral viewpoint: Implications for redistributive policies. Pirttila reading list Pirttila slides

10.15 -11:30 Alain Trannoy (Aix-Marseille University): Fairness and openness: friend or foe in optimal income taxation? Trannoy reading list  Trannoy reference paper Trannoy slides LST-PET2014 Trannoy slides

11.30 – 12:20 Participants presentations:

- Kevin Spiritus (with A. Gerritsen, B. Jacobs, A. Rusu) "Optimal capital taxation when people face different rates of return"
- Alessandro Belmonte: "Sophisticated electoral accountability: a political psychology agency theory"

14:30 – 16:00 Applied Session Andrea Deghi (University of Siena): Networks data analysis: An Introduction. Reading list Deghi Deghi Applied Session Material

16:15 – 17:15 Andreas Peichl (University of Mannheim): Multidimensional heterogenity in models of optimal taxation. Reading list Peichl  Peichl reference paper

17:30 – 18:30 Kalle Moene (University of Oslo): Economic and political reinforcement. Moene reading list Moene slides

18:45 – 19:45 Markus Jäntti (LIS and SOFI Stockholm University): Mobility and well-being. Jantti reading list Jantti slides nopause Jantti slides pause

Wednesday January 14, 2015

8:30 -10:00 François Maniquet (CORE- University of Louvain): Fairness and well-being.  Maniquet Reference paper Maniquet slides

10:15 -11:15 Paolo Piacquadio (University of Oslo): Intergenerational fairness. Piacquadio reading list Piacquadio slides

11:15 -12:15 Koen Decancq (University of Antwerp): Empirical well-being measurement. Decancq reading list Decancq slides

14:30 – 16:00 Applied Session  Max Löffler (ZEW): Redistribution in microsimulation models with behavioral responses. Löffler Applied Session Material

16:15 – 17:45 Conchita D’Ambrosio (University of Luxembourg): Attitudes to income inequality: experimental and survey evidence D'Ambrosio reference paper D'Ambrosio slides

18:00 – 19:45 Participants presentations:

- Dirk Neumann (with K. Decancq). "Does the choice of well-being measure matter empirically? An illustration with German data"
- Lin Yang. "Towards an index of multidimensional well-being with heterogeneous preferences"
- Benoit Decerf. "Income poverty measures with relative poverty lines"
- Julia Seiermann. "Beliefs on inequality in rural India"


Thursday January 15, 2015

8:30 – 9:45 Paul Anand (Open University, HERC Oxford University): Multidimensional life quality: foundations and empirics. Anand reading list + reference paper Anand slides

10:00 – 11:15 Frank, A. Cowell (LSE): Inequality with ordinal data. Cowell reference paper Cowell presentation Cowell slides

11:20 - 12:10 Participants presentations:

- Martin Ungerer (with Andreas Peichl): "Inequality of Opportunity and Couples: Theory and Evidence for Germany"
- Maximilian Stockhausen (with Charlotte Bartels): "A Multidimensional Approach to Children's Opportunities"

14:30 – 16:00 Applied Session Francesco Andreoli (CEPS/INSTEAD): Statistical tools for dissimilarity analysis. Andreoli slides

16:15 – 17:15 Nicolas Gravel (Aix-Marseille University): Ranking distributions with ordinal attributes. Gravel reference paper Gravel slides

17:15 – 18:15 Erwin Ooghe (KU Leuven): Equity and efficiency in multidimensional transfer principles. Ooghe reading list Ooghe slides

18:30 - 19:45 Participants presentations:

- Vanesa G. Jorda: "The global distribution of education: 1970-2010"
- Iryna Kyzyma: "Behind a Stable Poverty Rate: Changes in the Duration of Poverty Episodes in the United States since the mid 1980s"
- Iva Tasseva: "Naughty noughties in the UK: Decomposing income changes in the 2000's"

20:15  Social Dinner


Friday,  January 16,  2015

8:00 AM Departure of the shuttle bus from Alba di Canazei