
Program 2012

Preliminary Programme



Sunday,  January 8,  2012  

5:30 PM Departure of the shuttle bus from Verona (train station)

6:00 PM Departure of the shuttle bus from  Verona airport

8:40 PM  Arrival and dinner



Monday January 9, 2012  Chair: Alain Trannoy   

9:00 - 9:15  Welcome Address 

9:15 - 10:30  Markus Jantti: Extent and determinants of intergenerational associations  Jantti-reading-listPresentation Jantti (preliminary version), Jantti_slides

10:45 – 11:45 Arnaud Lefranc: Trends of intergenerational mobility in income and education Reading_list_Lefranc, Lefranc_slides

14:30 – 16:00 Applied Session: Francesco Andreoli (University of Verona) "Introduction and data management with STATA" Teaching material Stata tutorial,  

16:15 – 17:15 Daniele Checchi: Institutional Reforms and Educational Attainment in Europe: A long run perspective Checchi working paper, Checchi_slides

17:15 - 18:15  Rolf Aaberge: Unambiguous Comparison of Intersecting Distribution Functions  Aaberge_reading_list, Aaberge_slides

18:30 -19:45 Participants presentations (3 presentations)



Tuesday January 10, 2012 Chair: Claudio Zoli

8:30 -9:15:  Markus Jantti: Luxembourg Wealth Study/LIS. Jantti-lws-ho_slides

9:15 - 10:30: Eva Sierminska: Wealth Analysis: An Introduction to Household Portfolios.  Reading_list_Sierminska, EvaSierminska_slides

10:45 -12:00:  Andrea Brandolini: Asset based measurement of poverty  WP Brandolini Magri Smeeding Brandolini_references, Brandolini_slides

16:15 – 17:45 Jim Davies: The  Global Distribution of Wealth Davies_reading_list_v2, JimDavies_slides

18:00-19:45 Participants presentations  (4 presentations)


Wednesday January 11, 2012 Chair: Eugenio Peluso

 8:30 - 9:45   Daniel Waldenstrom: Long-term evolution of the concentration of wealth and the role of inheritance.  Reading list Waldenstrom (+ links), Waldenstrom_Slides

10:00 -11:15 Frank Cowell: Wealth inequality and the taxation of wealth transfers  Slides_Cowell + references, Cowell_slides

14:30 – 16:00 Applied Sessions:  Luna Bellani and Denisa Sologon (CEPS INSTEAD) "Tables in STATA for Latex and Word users

16:15 – 17:15 Andreas Peichl: Inequality at the top of the distribution: Affluence in Income and Wealth reading list Peichl+ linksdpIZAPeichlPestel5926, Peichl_slides

17:15 - 18:15  Thibault Gajdos: Risk and intertemporal social choice  Gajdos_slides

18:30-19:45 Participants presentations  (3 presentations)


Thursday January 12, 2012 Chair: Philippe Van Kerm

8:30 - 10:00  Kjell Salvanes: New developments in the intergenerational mobility in education Salvanes reading list, Salvanes_slides

10:15 – 11:15 Magne Mogstad: Do early childhood education and care programs level the playing field? Mogstad_reading_list, Mogstad_slides

16:30 – 18:15 Participants presentations Part 1 (4 presentations)

18:30 – 19:45 Participants presentations Part 2 (3 presentations)

20:15 Social Dinner


Friday,  January 13  2012 

8:00 AM Departure of the shuttle bus from Canazei