
Preliminary Program 2018

Sunday,  January 7,  2018  

17:30 Departure of the shuttle bus from Verona railway station (train station Porta Nuova)

18:00 Departure of the shuttle bus from Verona airport (Catullo airport)

20:40 Arrival and dinner


Monday January 8, 2018 

08:45 - 9:00 Welcome Address

09:00 - 11:15 Frank Cowell: “Wealth inequality and the taxation of wealth transfers” Reading List Cowell slides Cowell 

11:25 - 11:45 Presentations

- Gregers Nytoft Rasmussen: Heterogeneous time discounting and wealth inequality


15:30 - 17:00 Brice Magdalou: “The determinants of the preferences for redistribution” reading list Magdalou slides Magdalou

17:15 - 18:45 Matz Dahlberg: “Segregation and migration”  Reading List Dahlberg slides_Dahlberg

18:50 - 19:50 Presentations

- Guido Neidhöfer: Income redistribution and self-selection of immigrants: Evidence from administrative data

- Anthony Lepinteur: Economic insecurity and political preferences.

- Judith Derndorfer: Inequality and electoral behaviour


21:30 Social Evening/Poster Session


- Begoña Cabeza: Effort or luck? Beliefs about the role of responsibility in Spain through the recession

- Franziska Dorn : The Impact of unpaid work on employment status in Mexico

- Ilia Gouaref: Welfare participation and social networks

- Astrid Harnack: Income and wealth mobility in post-war Germany

- Javier Olivera: The distribution of pension wealth in Europe

- Alejandra S. Ortiz Garcia: Does income inequality hinder economic growth in Mexican states?

- Julia Philipp: The intergenerational transmission of gender norms and female college major choice

- Denisa M. Sologon. Accounting for differences in income inequality across countries

- Emilia Toczydlowska: Comparative income mobility in Europe 2007-2013

- Miriam Wetter: Assortative mating and intergenerational mobility of women

- Philipp Poppitz: Multidimensional inequality during the European crisis



Tuesday January 9, 2018

08:30 - 10:00 Daniele Checchi: “The long term evolution of inequality of opportunity” Reference Paper Checchi slides Checchi

10:15 – 11:45 Moris Triventi: “Social background, inequality of educational opportunities and occupational attainments” Reading list Triventi slides Triventi

15:00 – 15:50 Laboratory. Paolo Brunori: “Distributional analysis with R (part1 ): Program and estimate your own inequality index in R” Brunori_IT93.dta Brunori_R_tutorial_1.pdf

16:00 – 17:30 Koen Decancq: “Measuring multidimensional well-being” Reading List Decancq slides Decancq

17:40 – 19:10 Martyna Kobus: “Multidimensional inequality with ordinal data” Reading List Kobus

19:20 – 20:00 Presentations

- Michele Bavaro: Intergenerational mobility of status with multiple dimensions

- Francesco Andreoli: The quality of life index revised.


Wednesday January 10, 2018

08:30 - 10:00 Elena Barcena Martin: “Gender inequality, measurement and evidence” Reading list Barcena slides BarcenaMartin

10:15 – 11:00 Daniela Piazzalunga “Decomposing the gender wage gap” Reading list Piazzalunga slides_Piazzalunga

11:10 – 12:10 Presentations

- Petra Sauer: The Role of age and gender in education expansion. Within- and between-group specific trends in education (in)equality

- Anja Gaentzsch, Gabriela Zapata Roman: More educated, less mobile? Diverging trends in long-term opportunities in Chile and Peru

- Daniel Gerszon Mahler: The Roots of inequality: Estimating inequality of opportunity from regression trees


15:00 – 15:50 Laboratory. Paolo Brunori “Distributional analysis with R (part 2): Machine learning for inequality decomposition in R” Brunori_R_tutorial_2.pdf

16:00 – 17:30 Philippe Van Kerm "Accounting for income distribution differences over time and across countries"

17:40 – 18:50 Lorenzo Cappellari: "Workers, Firms and Wage Dynamics" Reading list Cappellari slides_Cappellari

19:00 – 20:00 Presentations

- Sebastian Camarero Garcia: Inequality of educational opportunities and the role of learning intensity: Evidence from a quasi-experiment in Germany.

- Yasin Arafat : Inequality in educational opportunity in the USA

- Tista Kundu: Inequality of opportunity in India: Changes over time


Thursday January 11, 2018

08:30 - 10:00 Cecilia Garcia Penalosa “Earnings inequality: recent trends and explanations” Reading list Garcia Penalosa slides Garcia Penalosa

10:15 – 12:00 Presentations 

- Virgi Sari: Decline and levelling off of earnings Inequality: Boon or bane for Indonesia?

- Michael Ertl: Capital income in the Eurozone. A story about gaps and how Pareto could help us out

- Stefan Kranzinger: Measuring the European income distribution. An analysis of differences among welfare state regimes.

- Holger Luthen: The rising longevity gap by lifetime earnings - distributional implications for the pension system

- Maria Jouste: A role for universal pension? Simulating universal pensions in Ecuador, Ghana, Tanzania and South Africa


16:00 – 17:30 Andreas Peichl "Top income inequality, economic and population growth, and the business cycle" slides Peichl

17:45 – 19:30 Presentations 

- Terhi Ravaska: Top income distribution and income dynamics from a gender perspective: Evidence from Finland 1995-2012

- Paul Hufe: Measuring unfair inequality: Reconciling equality of opportunity and freedom from poverty

- Julia Włodarczyk: Income comparisons and individual well-being: The case of Poland

- Carmen Rosa Marull Maita: Sustainability of the decline in inequality in Latin America: The effects of changing trade patterns

- Franziska Disslbacher: What did you really earn last year? Explaining measurement error in survey income data


20:15 Social Dinner


Friday,  January 12,  2018

07:45 Departure of the shuttle bus from Alba di Canazei